Common Ties That Bind

Exploring common values, living conditions, arts & cultural traditions and practices that cross racial, ethnic, generational, religious, and geographic boundaries; and destinations that offer opportunities to explore and enjoy the diversity and commonalities of the world’s peoples, places, and cultures.
March 22nd, 2013
Written by John Heilprin - Associated Press in Common Ties That Bind with 0 Comments
GENEVA (AP) - The ugly side of the beautiful game was exposed Thursday as the U.N.'s top human rights official joined football officials and players in calling for an end to the "crime" of racism in sport. U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay said the world is a long way from achieving that as evidenced by a series of incidents including racist insults and chants, Nazi salutes,...
February 25th, 2013
Written by Charles J. Gans - Associated Press in Common Ties That Bind with 0 Comments
NEW YORK (AP) - Pianist Herbie Hancock will celebrate the special connection between Turkey and jazz music forged decades ago when the Turkish ambassador opened his residence to white and black musicians at a time when segregation held sway in the U.S. capital. Hancock, a UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador, is organizing a gala concert with jazz stars from around the world on April 30 at the famed Hagia...
February 23rd, 2013
Written by Nancy Lofholm - The Denver Post in Common Ties That Bind, Latest News with 0 Comments
DENVER (AP) - Citing a new focus on biblical passages that call for Christians to treat foreigners and strangers well, Colorado evangelicals are turning into a potent force in the push for immigration reform. Focus on the Family and some of the 200-plus lesser-known evangelical groups and congregations in Colorado have become surprise lobbyers for controversial reforms that include allowing...
February 21st, 2013
Written by Rita Rizzo in Common Ties That Bind with 0 Comments
With its tremendous reach, social media is playing an increasing role in intercultural communication and understanding for many people around the world. As a result, the social networks serve a number of useful purposes for those exploring new places virtually or in their travels. According to Mark Zuckerberg, “If Facebook were a country, it would be the sixth most populated country in the world...
February 15th, 2013
Written by Christine Armario - Associated Press in Common Ties That Bind with 0 Comments
DORAL, Fla. (AP) - In many parts of Miami, Spanish is used as frequently - or more often - than English. That's certainly the case in the neighboring suburb of Doral, where an influx of immigrants from Latin America have transformed an idle community near the city's airport into flourishing neighborhood with cafeterias and businesses echoing the tastes and sounds of home. Enter any restaurant...


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