Common Ties That Bind

Exploring common values, living conditions, arts & cultural traditions and practices that cross racial, ethnic, generational, religious, and geographic boundaries; and destinations that offer opportunities to explore and enjoy the diversity and commonalities of the world’s peoples, places, and cultures.
October 8th, 2012
Written by The Associated Press in Common Ties That Bind, Latest News with 0 Comments
JOHANNESBURG (AP) — The National Union of Mineworkers accused Anglo American Platinum Monday of "racism" as the impasse between striking miners and the world's top platinum producer escalated. The NUM alleged that its leader in Rustenburg, the scene of a wildcat strike that brought Amplats' operations to a halt, was called derogatory names by the company's security officials at its Swartklip...
September 26th, 2012
Written by D. A. Barber in Common Ties That Bind, Latest News with 0 Comments
The tweaking of voting laws in 23 states, including photo identification laws, requirements to prove citizenship and attempts to purge “non-citizens” from voter rolls, could have a "disproportionate effect" on the ability of people of color to vote in the upcoming election. In fact, these changes might dissuade up to 10 million Hispanics alone from voting, according to a report released September...
August 17th, 2012
Written by Cindy Ferraino in Common Ties That Bind, Latest News with 0 Comments
As the baby boomer generation, and this means parents ranging in age from 48-66 years old, including all races & ethnicities, begin inching their way toward retirement through a turbulent job market, their plans to bask in the glow of retirement are now clouded with the recent upswing in welcoming adult children back home. The adult children involved in this upswing are “the boomerang”...
July 10th, 2012
Written by Marlene Caroselli in Common Ties That Bind, Latest News with 0 Comments
No matter the racial, ethnic, or cultural differences among us, we all share one common experience: we’ve attended school. And, part of the schooling process, at least in most school systems, is summer vacation. Unfortunately, during those hazy and lazy days, much of what we learned during the year begins to slip and slide. reports that while low-income and high-risk students...
June 21st, 2012
Written by Jodie Blankenship in Common Ties That Bind, Latest News with 0 Comments
In the 1990’s, violence directed toward specific groups were identified as “hate crimes” and more stringent convictions were handed down. While crimes against minorities, different religious affiliations, and sexual orientation did not just suddenly appear in the late 20th century, the psychological damage for victims of this type of violence, one that focuses on someone’s identity, is one of the...


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