All About Family: Benefits of Diversity - Articles and News

Sociological, biological and health research and findings about race and ethnicity; and personal reflections, anecdotes, and commentary on family values, traditions of different racial and ethnic groups to explore and communicate larger truths about the importance of family, the changing definition of family, across racial and ethnic groups.
September 7th, 2011
Written by Rita Rizzo in All About Family with 0 Comments
On the day Barack Obama took office, my 12-year-old grandson phoned me from school to ask a pressing question. “Grandma, why do people have to be so hateful?” he inquired. As an interracial child, Zach was in the early stages of considering what it meant to be a person of mixed race. Obama was a fine role model for Zach, evidence that America is the land of opportunity for all, and with hard work...
August 23rd, 2011
Written by Marlene Caroselli in All About Family, Latest News with 1 Comment
The controversy of adopting children across racial lines is a historical challenge, but the good news is that a study by William Feigelman, and Arnold Silverman on the long-term effects of transracial adoption ( found that after six or more years of living in their different-race home, children adjusted as well as their same-race-adoption counterparts.Nonetheless, some deep...
July 13th, 2011
Written by Kathy Seal in All About Family with 0 Comments
What happens when Asians marry Jews? Well, for one thing, the kids grow up Jewish, according to a new study."Over and over again we saw Jewish-Asian couples putting incredible thought and energy into helping children become Jewish,” says sociologist Noah Leavitt, who with his wife Helen Kim interviewed 37 Asian-Jewish couples over a period of two years. Both are professors at Whitman College in...
July 1st, 2011
Written by Rita Cook in All About Family with 0 Comments
While the Fourth of July means just one thing in America, Independence Day (and of course it’s a Federal Holiday too), there are a plethora of different ways the day is celebrated by the many cultures who call the United States home.Fireworks, parades, barbecues, carnivals, fairs, picnics, concerts, baseball games, and political speeches usually accompany Fourth of July celebrations. In fact,...
June 27th, 2011
Written by Laura Monroe in All About Family with 0 Comments
Over the past several decades, researchers have drawn many correlations between incidences of specific types of cancers and factors such as gender, race, and ethnicity. Research clearly shows that the risk of a person contracting cancer and/or dying from that cancer can vary by that person’s genetics. In the United States, breast cancer is the leading cancer for women, regardless of race. Numbers...


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