Is It True That White Youth Violence Is Premeditated & Black Youth Violence Is Random?

November 16, 2010
Written by Alonzo Weston in
"Sticky Wicket" Questions
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Dear Sticky Wicket:

Is there any sociological basis to the perception that both black and white youth are growing increasingly violent? Is it true that white youth seem to plan their violent acts (like Columbine and other school shootings), while black youth commit random acts of violence in their communities?

~Conflicted in Alaska

Dear Conflicted In Alaska,

If you judge by what you see and hear on the news, in songs and video games it would be hard not to believe that youth culture is becoming increasingly violent. And there appears to be no rhyme or reason for these unfortunate acts.

But toss in the issue of race and there becomes a perception of reason. Youthful black violence, identified with drive by shootings, is seen as being more impulsive. Violence among white youths on the other hand, which are typified by school shootings and Internet bullying, appears to be more premeditated and calculated.

Opinions vary among a few experts. Lisa Smith, a professor of clinical law at the Brooklyn Law School in New York, says that it is popular to blame the media for this difference in perception. Many people feel the news media focuses more on crimes in which there are nonminority victims. But in reality, all crime is about motive and opportunity she adds.

“There are different criminal opportunities in urban, suburban, and rural areas, which also affects the types of crimes and the types of perpetrators,” Smith says. The ease with which anyone, not just young people, can gain access to firearms is also part of the issue. While it is true that some of the higher publicity crimes like Columbine were perpetrated by young white men, there are many pre-meditated robberies, homicides, and assaults unfortunately perpetrated by young men of all ethnicities.”

Alicia Bonaparte, an assistant professor of sociology at Pitzer College in Claremont, CA, explains there are strong differences in the type of crimes committed by black and white youth. This discrepancy is due in part to racial bias within the criminal justice system.

“Columbine and other incidents like it are largely esoteric in nature, and signs of deep psychological stress, whereas youth violence in urban areas is a by-product of social disorganization,” Bonaparte says. “Moreover, there is also the issue of many crimes committed by whites not being reported by police officers due to racist bias within the criminal justice system, while areas that are predominately populated by blacks tend to be heavily policed.”

Frederick Reamer, a professor at the Rhode Island School of Social Work, says the belief that youth violence is increasing is a misconception because statistics show that violent crime among youth is in a decline.

Reamer cited information on the United States Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice, and Delinquency Prevention website, which shows that according to statistics, there were 288 arrests for Violent Crime Index offenses for every 100,000 youth between 10 and 17 years of age. That is a substantial decrease from 1994 with more than 500 arrests per 100,000 youth.

“I think you will find random and planned acts of violence among both white and black youths,” Reamer says.

He adds that focusing primarily on nationally known cases like the Columbine shootings might be misleading. “They are extraordinarily rare but horrifying events,” he says. “Most acts of violence never find their way into broad media coverage because legal proceedings in juvenile court are confidential, with rare exceptions.”

"Sticky Wicket" Questions


Violence Between Races

Submitted by CSU-FULLERTON_0... on

Violence and delinquent behavior has been a problem that occurs among youngsters. The media seems to encourage this due to more violent video games, t.v. shows, movies, and song lyrics. The youth culture is influenced and therefore finds it maybe acceptable. Black youth has been known to be more violent than white youth and I agree that this is because the justice bias. And because of this, I feel like blacks violence is not as big of a surprise, thus prepared or expected. This makes more of a prejudice and racism among blacks. Whereas, white violence isn’t exposed as much, it is more of a surprise when it happens.


Submitted by CSU-SANMARCO_3D... on

Violence and crime attack all areas of the community and the perpetrators of these crimes span over all ethnic backgrounds. But, I think that the media is very biased in it's portrayal of these crimes. I too agree that crime is based on motive and opportunity and I think that the rise of youth violence is very alarming. I also agree that there is racial bias in the justice system. I believe that many people are accused of wrongdoing merely on their appearance. My boyfriend told me that beanies are banned from the local skatepark because the police officers affiliate this type of clothing with gangs. I think that the cause of the uprise in youth violence is the medias portrayal of violence. We see violence on television constantly, it is on many t.v. programs, movies, and video games. I think we have become numb to seeing violence. When we see someone on a t.v. show get shot or killed there is little shock factor. But the scary fact is that these type of crimes really do happen. The bottom line is that crime is rampant, no matter what ethnic group is committing it.