New Advice For Age-Old Problems: Seven Steps To Change Your Outlook And Your Life

May 4, 2011
Written by Chris Benguhe in
Our Daily Walk
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As spring comes alive with the rebirth of all things living, remember that you are never alone.

As spring unfolds and the winter doldrums quietly slip away, don’t forget to share your love and new beginnings with family and friends. Although some may experience that hard to satisfy but recurring symptom of Spring Fever, and even feel sad about the current state of economic affairs that affect so many of us today, but we can find solace in following these seven steps. 

  1. Avoid the Tragedy Spiral: Don’t let one single event or even a series of them make you throw away all you still have by disrespecting yourself and others. Don’t turn a tough time into a catastrophe.

  2. Reality Check: Look past the problem to the opportunity within. If you carefully evaluate and assess the problem, you will realize positive change can and will happen if you reach out to others.

  3. Be Loved: Stop isolating yourself and alienating others when things go wrong. Allow yourself to be loved. Do not allow fears of repercussion, exile, or embarrassment lead you to turn others away. You are too important, and others deserve and want to help you.

  4. Be Loving: Although you may not feel liking help others, it’s the one thing you can do to uplift your heart, head, and soul. It will lift your spirits and change your life. Get out of your head and into your heart!

  5. Respect Yourself: Don’t abuse yourself. Failing to care for your body, your mind, and your soul makes you unable to help others. You are as valuable and indispensable to this world as the president or any celebrity.

  6. Do the Leg Work: Stop thinking it’s supposed to be easy; there is nothing wrong with you if it is not. Even though some days are a struggle, life’s journey is rewarding and meaningful if you travel it with others.

  7. Keep the Faith: A miracle unfolded before our very eyes in 2010 when 33 Chilean miners survived in a collapsed mine for 69 days before rescue. While trapped underground, longer than anyone in history, the miners never stopped believing in their loved ones, in each other, and finally in their God. Let’s all do the same.

This too shall pass, but in the mean time, spread your wings and go forth to spread some love.

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