Where Do You Think The State Of Race Relations In America Stands?

August 25, 2011
Written by Janice S. Ellis Ph.D. in
Latest News, Race Relations
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America’s first black President will lead the dedication ceremony for the Martin Luther King, Jr. monument. Photo Credit: Beverly and Pack, Flicker Photo Stream

On Sunday, August 28, the Martin Luther King, Jr. monument will be officially unveiled in Washington, D.C. The moment will have incredible historic significance.

It will be the first such monument that until now was previously reserved for past presidents of the United States whose presidency occurred during defining and seminal times in the nation’s history. One certainly can argue that King’s monument is fittingly among them because of his impact in changing the course of history in America.

One other notable aspect to the ceremony certainly cannot escape its monumental significance:
The first black president of the United States of America, President Barack Obama, will lead the dedication ceremony.

Will this ceremony be merely symbolic, or a real indication that the dream of Martin Luther King, Jr., for all races to have equal access and opportunity, has been realized?

altOne has only to look at the educational achievement gap, the vast gulf in wealth and economic opportunity, ghettos and pockets of poverty, crime, and unemployment to know that we still have a long way to go.

However, that is not the perception among many Americans. A recent USA Today Gallup Poll shows there is a wide chasm between what whites believe vs. what blacks believe. Whites are more inclined to believe that blacks have equal opportunity, and blacks are more inclined to believe that a lot of discrimination still exits.

As we approach this historic unveiling and all of its significance, do you think we have achieved racial equality in America?

If so, in what areas have we achieved true racial equality?

If not, what more must we do to realize the dream of Martin Luther King, Jr.?

Latest News, Race Relations


Race relations, depends upon where you look

Submitted by MacDude on

When I go to clubs on the weekends, I see Black and White and Hispanic all dancing and drinking together. There are also many integrated couples and groups hanging out together. Then I go to a computer conference where I am often the dark face in the room (me and the Desi looking guy). Finally, (and I know this is an odd barometer) but in Craigslist and other personal adds I still see ads that say "no _____'s" Often "no blacks", sometimes "no Hispanics"; occasionally "no whites". Now these aren't dating ads, I'm talking about; these are escorts (told you it was an odd barometer). These people are making the same mistake of blaming the group for some individual's mistake. I actually called one poster out on her ad and she changed it. I asked, "So you'd rather have a toothless meth-head as long as he's white but not a 6-figure PhD who happens to be black?"

So on an individual level we seem to have made great strides. However on an institutional level or when people think in terms of a racial group, we still have a ways to go.


Submitted by SJCNY-3F11-12 on

I believe that statue for Obama should symbolize the succession of Martin Luther King Jr. Obama simply winning the presidential election shows that the black community has come a long way. Private companies or peoples personal views may be anti- black, but as a country we have come to a realization that we ar eall equal. The laws we have that make racism illegal illustrate that America is moving towards imrovement.

Denial and Reluctance

Submitted by UASW-SHudson4F2... on

I do not think we have completely reached race equality. We have made significant progress, but we are no where close to a complete equality of race. My reasoning behind this is because the U.S. refuse to talk about issues regarding race. Even the President of the U.S. is reluctant to speak on issues regarding race. This reluctance plus a sense of denial prevents us, as a society, from moving on. Even though our country is uniquely diverse, we are nowhere inclusive. Until we are comfortable with talking about the issues of race that plagues our nation, we will never truly become equal.

Blind to Equality

Submitted by UASW-JMallory5F... on

I do not believe that we have come to full equality yet in America. Although there have been improvements in many areas, equality still has to do some more growth. By majority of whites and blacks having different opinions on life style, education, job opportunities, and the ability to never be discriminated against, then you can see clearly that as a whole we have not overcome the equality struggle. Until people are more honest with their surroundings, the unfair treatment that individuals of another race other than Caucasian may face then the equal opportunity for everyone will not be achieved.

Embrace Diversity

Submitted by CSUSM-EEWojtowi... on

I think that there is definitely still much to be desired regarding the status quo for equality in America. There is clearly inequality between the races statistically, and the fact that minorities feel discriminated against means that there is still a problem--whether or not white people notice or believe their claims of discrimination. I think the Martin Luther King, Jr. monument is important to serve as a reminder to keep thinking about racial inequality and as a reminder to keep making conscious efforts to attain equality. It is also an indication that we are still on the "path to nonviolence," as MLK said, but we must not be fooled into thinking we have reached the end.

I think the best way we can fulfill the dreams of MLK are to go further in our discussions of race relations with our children. Rather than teaching mere acceptance of racial differences, let us teach our children to embrace and value diversity. We need to have no tolerance in schools for racial bullying or racial jokes, because that, I think, it where it starts. Racism is taught, and the lessons begin very early on. So, let us teach the next generation of Americans more serious lessons about racial equality and change the status quo.

On our way, but absolutely incomplete

Submitted by CSUSM-ASGarvin1... on

I personally see race relations as consistently moving to where they should be, as time has gone on more and more figures in government have been ethnic minorities. From a top-down standpoint, things still look fundamentally white dominated. if things continue along the path they are going, however, then we should be seeing a better and better mix of races in our governmental body.
On the social level, Things are much better looking, it is very common in my community for whotes to marry hispanics or african-americans. Much earlier in the history of the United States that would have been absolute heresy. so on that level i think we are almost fully to where we need to be on race relations.
The only thing really holding us back is racism, and even that will fade in time. I feel like after a while it just wont make any sense. Once all the races are intermixed, are we going to start having racism against half-ethnicities? Quarter ethnicities? absolutely not. so racism will fade in time, people will grow out of stereotypes, and government should follow from the natural progressive growth of the american people.

racial equailty

Submitted by UAB-4F11-12 on

I think we have made lots of progress in the area of racial equality as a country. We are no longer a segregated society and all people have equal constitutional rights, we also have recently elected our first African American president; with that being said there still is room for improvement.I think it will be hard to reach total racial equality because you can't change the way everyone thinks, but I think we can try.

racial equality

Submitted by CSUSM-CMPeters6... on

I do think that progress has been made, but I do not that that racial equality has fulfilled to its greatest extent. White folk believe that everyone has the same opportunities but there are certain companies and businesses owned by someone who hires specifically on race. This happens in a few places, but I do not that that a lot of discrimination exists. Discrimination really is just uneducated ignorance. When a colored individual is turned down for an opportunity, they should not give up. I believe that hard work and dedication will bring success. As the saying goes, when one door closes another opens. It is difficult to get and keep a job but it does not mean that it is impossible. Obama has a lot of problems to take on in our government but it does not mean that nothing is happening. Americans expect quick results and become frustrated when it is not handed to them in an efficient manner. It will take years in order to get our country out of the bad economy and horrible unemployment rates. I think that the opportunities with education, fitness, homes, etc. is not equal due to a family’s financial standings. If someone wants a change they are able to get it. Education is a major factor in climbing that economic ladder.

No Change, What Happened Obama?

Submitted by CSULB-EPineda42S2012 on

We were bombarded with hopes of change and new comings of a new age of democratic ruling this last election. With a person of color being accepted as this countries President, many thought the times of equality had finally arrived. But it has been 3 years since the election and our nation seems to have gone in the opposite direction. We have more people living on the streets while we continue to pour more and more money into war, is this because we don't care about our own people? Race is still a major issue just like it was then.

Racial Equaility

Submitted by CSUSM-11F2012 on

Personally, I think that progress has been made, but I do not believe that we have reached full racial equality in the United States. Although there have been major milestones throughout history that exemplify progress such as; all people having equal constitutional rights, living in a desegregated society and electing the first African American president, but there is still room for improvement. For example, there are a number of hate crimes and discriminatory cases in the United States that are being swept under the rug. Just because we might not see hate crimes and discrimination occurring every day, does not mean racism is not an issue that’s plaguing today’s society. In my opinion, the best way we can execute the racial equality dreams of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is to start having discussions on race relations with our children to embrace and value diversity. In order to eradicate racism, there also needs to be a no tolerance for racial bullying and racial slurs in schools throughout the nation. I believe until we are comfortable with talking about the issues of race and racism, we will never achieve racial equality.

Equality is here

Submitted by CSULB-18F2012 on

I am estatic that Martin Luther King's monument is going up. It is symbolic that Obama will be giving a speech about him and practially on his behalf because I think that MLK would be proud to how far racism has come and surpassed us. In America today, equality is here. Every one person has the same equalities as anyone such as men, women, black, or white can vote, share restrooms, eat at food places, etc. Yes, of course it has not gone completely away, but that is normal. Prejudice will always be here among certain people because that is their values, feelings, and their rights. I feel like when people think of prejudice they automatically connect with whites hating blacks when that is not true; it can be the other way around too so what about that? No one ever speaks upon the white society being hated. Therefore, at the end of the day our America with never be perfect, but I do believe MLK would be happy to see how far America has come with a Black President.