Race Relations and Minorities News

USAonRace.com is proud to host online Race Relations Forums. We are committed to providing a “gathering place” where many voices can participate in an ongoing conversation about race relations in the United States and around the globe.

Purpose and Objectives

The purpose of these online forums is to enable many more people to engage in the dialogue than could otherwise participate in a small community gathering. This online discussion can be a great addition to small group meetings that might be occurring in communities all over the country.

With these forums, we hope to achieve the following objectives:

  • Promote a better understanding of issues around race and ethnicity across the country;
  • Create a sense of community that we are “all in this together.”
  • Identify constructive strategies that are working to increase understanding and improvement; and
  • Stimulate a level of commitment needed to take actions to make things better where you live.

How the Forums Work

Various issues and subjects will be posted on a regular basis for comment. Please submit questions and issues you would like to be posted for discussion. A summary of the discussion with any pertinent findings will be provided and posted on line for visitors to access, download and distribute as they deem valuable.

To participate, just Sign In and get started.

November 5th, 2012
Written by Chris Carola in Cultural Uniqueness, Latest News, Race Relations with 0 Comments
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — A national archaeology preservation group has bought two former Cayuga Indian village sites in New York's Finger Lakes region as part of the organization's ongoing effort to protect historical sites linked to the Iroquois. Andy Stout, eastern regional director for the Archaeological Conservancy, told The Associated Press that the sites are on private land just a few miles...
November 1st, 2012
Written by Holbrook Mohr - Associated Press in Religion's Mighty Rivers, Latest News, Race Relations with 0 Comments
JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — Southern Baptist Convention President Fred Luter said Wednesday that he wants more diversity in the 16-million-member organization. Luter, the first black president of the convention, was in Jackson for the 177th gathering of the Mississippi Baptist Convention. After delivering a sermon at First Baptist Church of Jackson, Luter told reporters his selection as president shows...
October 17th, 2012
Written by The Associated Press in Latest News, Race Relations with 3 Comments
CHULA VISTA, California (AP) — The family of a 32-year-old mother of five shot and killed by a U.S. Border Patrol agent as he rode on her car's hood in suburban San Diego has filed a wrongful death claim against the agency, saying the agent had a long history of misconduct in a previous law enforcement job and should not have been on the street. Attorney Eugene Iredale filed the claim Friday with...
September 21st, 2012
Written by Rita Rizzo in Race & Politics, Race Relations with 1 Comment
Unless you live off the grid, you have probably heard that a leaked video of a Romney fundraiser has the GOP presidential candidate in hot water with 47 percent of Americans. Watch the entire video at Diversity Inc and read the accompanying article by Luke Visconti. Mr. Visconti arrived at the conclusion that the following statement by Romney is not a statement rife with veiled racism.  “There...
April 11th, 2012
Written by Janice S. Ellis Ph.D. in Cause and Civility, Latest News, Race Relations with 8 Comments
About this time four years ago, many people did not believe Barack Obama would be the Democratic Party nominee for President of the United States over his formidable rival, Hillary Clinton. But disbelief slowly gave way to belief, and ultimate seminal hope and euphoria when he ultimately became President Barack Obama. At least for some….There were those who optimistically believed that America...


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