Three Ways To Teach Your Children To Be Generous

December 21, 2010
Written by Terez Howard in
All About Family
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A gift of time is the best gift of all.

“Of the various kinds of intelligence, generosity is the first,” wrote John Surowiecki.

During what we dub as the season of giving, many find their generosity begins to run thin with a mile long list of people expecting gifts. But when it comes to your children, you want them to feel the greater happiness in giving, as opposed to receiving.

“But I don’t want to.” That’s what my preschooler told me, and those same words come out of the mouths of grade school kids and adolescents alike. How can you teach your children to be generous?

The absolute best way to teach children generosity, especially the young ones, is by example. Complaining about giving to others will only make your kids believe it is a compulsory service. Let your little ones see you happily giving others gifts, or sharing a meal you made with friends. These gifts should not, nor need not be extravagant or limited to a particular season. Children must realize that generosity knows no boundaries.

“Consider giving some gifts on other days as a way of reducing the stress,” says Dr. Charles L. Thompson, a professor of psychology at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, in a New York Times, article.

Donate to a local charity or hospital, or give books to your library, brainstorm with people who might be in need and help them to fulfill that need.

Secondly, do these generous activities with your children. My 3-year-old and I made cookies for a traveling missionary and his wife. She was tickled when they shared lunch with us, and she could say that she helped prepare the food.

If you don’t have a cent to give, you and your children can give a most valuable gift — your time. Volunteer to spend time at a senior citizen home, or give Grandma a call and tell her about your day.

The book, Secrets of Strong Families, states: “Most of us spend time and money several times a year selecting perfect gifts for birthdays, anniversaries, or holidays for the people we love. The very best gift of all would take nothing from the bank account. In addition, you wouldn’t have to wrap it. If you believe, like most people, that your life is the most valuable possession you have, then a piece of your life is the most precious gift you have to offer. We give that precious gift in the chunks of our time we give to our loved ones.”

Lastly, show that generosity springs from love. You don’t expect anything in return, and you do not express a hope for a tangible return to your kids. Whether you can give a little or a lot, give something to someone. Show your children that a generous spirit is a happy one.

All About Family